I am the Brilliant Mom

I was the perfect mom… then I had a baby. I read that somewhere recently and I giggled to myself at how true that statement was. I think every mom can relate to that. Prior to having my son Matthias, I had a concept of what it looked like to be a mom. I would joyfully care for the babe (who of course was perfect in all my ideal mommy life fantasies) all day whilst keeping my home perfectly spic and span, smartly organized, and of course creatively decorated, enjoy daily playdates with other mommies and share excellent, deep conversations, all while having an elegant and perfectly-rounded dinner ready and set on my DIY seasonally decorated dining room table before the husband arrives home from a long day of work. When that kind of day doesn’t happen day after day, you can do one of two things. Obsess over and strive to be the perfect mom in every way, or accept your imperfections. I have made the decision to accept my imperfections. I will probably never have my house perfectly decorated with the latest seasonal handmade decor trending on Pinterest (maybe I will finally finish that autumn wreath I started last September before Thanksgiving!). I will probably never have my pantry perfectly labeled and organized. I will probably never have a six-pack or a butt that looks good in a bikini ever again (although my husband still tells me he thinks I have the best looking butt on the block!) I will probably never have a homemade dinner on the table every day of the week or learn to sew a quilt or bake a pretty heart-shaped cake only using round cake pans (although one pinner says “it is soooo easy, why didn’t I think of that?!”).  But I have made the decision that instead of focusing on all those things that I am not so good at and will probably never do, I will focus on (and even celebrate!) the parts of me that are brilliant. God only made one of me and he put brilliant things inside of me that make me, well me.  I am opting to not waste my life away wishing that I was a bit more of the crafty DIY mom, or the organized mom, or the baking mom, or the budget savvy mom or the fashion mom, or the fit mom, or the photographer mom. (No offense to you if you are any of those moms- I think you’re brilliant!) But instead of spending my time wishing I could snap my fingers and live someone else’s life, I am choosing to live my own. And that means I spend my time discovering, celebrating, and developing the things that I do brilliantly. I invite you to come along with me on this journey of becoming and realizing that I am the brilliant mom. I hope along the way that you are inspired to accept that you too are a brilliant mom as well.

3 thoughts on “I am the Brilliant Mom

  1. Amanda, this is darling. Can’t wait to read more 🙂 For what it’s worth, I think you are crafty, and trendy, and a great cook. You’re a pretty good mom too 😉 Love you ❤

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